Top 10 High-Fiber Foods to Help Your Digestive Health


Beware of any supplements that contain methylcellulose , calcium polycarbophil or wheat dextrin, as they provide no food value or nutrients. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and doesn’t ferment with bacteria in the colon. It is believed to hel

Beware of any supplements that contain methylcellulose , calcium polycarbophil or wheat dextrin, as they provide no food value or nutrients. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and doesn’t ferment with bacteria in the colon. It is believed to help prevent diverticulosis and hemorrhoids, while sweeping out carcinogens and toxins from the system. That’s why eating a high-fiber diet full of fiber-rich foods is so important.

  • Viscous fibers – such as beta-glucan and psyllium – thicken the fecal mass.
  • If you’re new to eating high-fiber foods, it’s best to start by gradually adding fiber to your diet and increasing your water intake.
  • Always use whole grain or wheat with rolls and sandwiches.

The normal amount of flatus passed each day depends on sex and what is eaten. These substances are produced quietly in the colon and produce many health-related outcomes. It is still not certain if a high fiber diet helps prevent colon cancer. Certainly it makes sense to increase regularity and so speed the movement of cancer causing carcinogens through the bowel.

Edamame is a tasty, fiber-rich snack, boasting about 5 g per ½ cup, according to the USDA, which is 18 percent of the DV. “It provides the coveted trifecta of protein, fiber, and healthy fat in one package. Upping your fiber count for the day doesn’t have to be hard. Not only can boosting your fiber intake be surprisingly easy, but fiber-rich foods are tasty, too (avocado toast, anyone?).

Contents in food

An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that fiber acts as natural protective armor against C-reactive protein , a sign of acute inflammation. When CRP is circulating in the blood, you are more likely to develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease down the road. The combination of fiber and the sorbitol make these sweet and chewy treats effective in helping get things moving. One of the best ways to eat prunes is to heat them on the stove with a little water, honey, cinnamon, and lemon juice, and then let them plump up. After simmering for a few minutes, let cool and serve over yogurt or oatmeal. Prunes also make a delicious addition to chicken or pork dishes.

Inulin is a soluble prebiotic fiber found in many foods and which are fermented mostly in the left side of the colon. It is available in a supplement as generic inulin and in Fiber Choice. While nuts are loaded with fiber, they are an energy rich food, meaning they have a lot of calories in a small packet. Always use whole grain or wheat with rolls and sandwiches. Eating an occasional black bean or veggie burger provides variety.

Fiber from whole grains

To the extent possible, buy organic fruits as these will have little or no pesticides. Soluble fiber has been shown to reduce total blood cholesterol levels and may improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Enjoying high-fiber snacks throughout the day is another simple way to boost your intake. Kale chips, sweet potato fries, homemade trail mix or roasted chickpeas are a few ideas for healthy snacks that feature foods that are high in fiber. Beets definitely deserve a spot on the list of high-fiber, low-calorie foods thanks to their impressive nutrient profile and vibrant color. Beets are also loaded with dietary nitrates, which are beneficial compounds that can help treat hypertension to stabilize blood pressure levels.

high fiber fruits and vegetables

How many and what other additives or chemicals are added. Some are added not for the benefit of the buyer but rather for manufacturers. These could and do include sugar, artificial flavor, chemicals to prevent oxidation and spoilage, emulsifiers to blend the product.

High-fiber snacks

Black beans, pinto beans, and garbanzos — as mentioned, all part of the pulses family — are fiber-packed, too. “By far, pulses of all kinds are my go-to high-fiber foods,” says Moore. “Black beans are a staple for side dishes, bean burgers, and skillets, and chickpeas are another staple — I love to roast and season them for a crunchy snack,” Moore adds. When you think of avocados, your mind may go right to guacamole and avocado toast, but there are plenty of other ways to put them to use. “Avocados are a nutrient-dense, versatile fruit that can be eaten alone or used in a variety of tasty recipes from soups to salad to smoothies.” says Marisa Moore, RDN, who’s based in Atlanta. “I like to add them to smoothies for creaminess and to boost fiber intake,” she adds.

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