Thai Hot Ornamental Pepper You May Not Believe It


Are you one of those who have fallen into the age-old trap of believing that Thai chili refers to just one single type of pepper from Thailand? You may not believe it, but today there are at least 79 separate varieties of this plant. If it only a few

Are you one of those who have fallen into the age-old trap of believing that Thai chili refers to just one single type of pepper from Thailand? You may not believe it, but today there are at least 79 separate varieties of this plant. If it only a few plants it will not take much of our time.

Peppers can be placed on a flat surface in a sunny location. Once peppers are slightly brittle and tough, they can be stored in airtight containers and saved for future use. The shelf life of your chili peppers can be extended many times over by drying your peppers and storing them in an airtight container. To expedite the process, a home food dehydrator can be used to safely take the moisture out of your peppers. Otherwise, place your fresh peppers onto a cookie sheet and ‘baking’ at the lowest setting with the oven for several hours to gradually dry out the peppers.

Last year was the best summer ever for the last five years I remembered. Tomatoes were plentiful and ripe on time before picking it, strawberries were non stop, carrots were abundant, my three cherry trees were overloaded with red juicy cherries. Writing professionally since 2010, Amy Rodriguez cultivates successful cacti, succulents, bulbs, carnivorous plants and orchids at home. It is normal for frozen ingredients to last for a year or more. Because they are still green and have not yet turned red, you should pick them when they are.

I think traditionally, they are picked and eaten green, but there are many uses of both. One of the reasons Thai chili peppers are one of my favorite varieties to grow is because they can give you a harvest earlier than other varieties like habaneros. Grow some Thai pepper plants today, you won’t be disappointed.

In 2004 to 2014 I grew 4-5 little bushes a year of these small Thai Red Chili peppers. They were easy to grow, problem free and highly productive. They do need full sun and good garden soil with regular water and weeding. The best way to harvest them is to pull the entire bush when full of beautiful red Thai chili’s and pull them off at your garden table.

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Because a container’s soil tends to dry out faster than soil in ground gardens, your watering patterns for the Thai pepper plant must be consistent. Enthusiastic watering may backfire and cause waterlogged soil. Using a container with multiple drainage holes and well-drained soil combats any form of being waterlogged. This open ecosystem allows excess water to escape from the container while nourishing the pepper plant. Overwatering, the lack of drainage holes and compacted soil contribute to root rot, which causes slow die-back of the entire plant. A variety of fruits, such as peppers, can be harvested when they are ripe.

Finally, we must note that these plants need shade in the summer in the afternoon if you live in the tropics. Here they are now after one month and a half growing stage. It is no different on the plants between seed started on the peat pellet or with the potting soil. All of the seeds inside are most likely viable and you can use them to grow the same variety of pepper in containers or in a sunny garden spot.

These methods are also great for herbs, cherry tomatoes and other smaller veggies inside, those cups work a treat! If you would like to just leave one of the strongest plant then pull the others that look weak, or move them to another container, so it will not overcrowd the container. You can push the seeds deeper or cover it up with the moist peat by using the toothpick. Boxes should include a complete street address to ensure prompt delivery. Apply a little bit of mulch around the base of the plant if you find your soil isn’t staying moist for long.

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